
Postcrossing is very interesting to me. When I know the project, I felt excited, but I also felt troublesome. Because I can only write with English. That is difficult to me, I was worry about the people can’t understead what I write. However, when I sent the first postcard. I felt very nervous and excited. I can’t wait to receive my first postcard! I hope and expectation my postcard everyday! However, about ten days ago, I did’t receive any postcard. I felt a little disappointed, so I sent a G-mail to Postcrossing with my poor English, and ask why I didn’t receive postcard. The Postcrossing reply me quickly! And it said it already give my address to someone. That is great for me! Then my postcrossing trip was beginning!



I received the first postcard from Germany. The postcard is a butterfly. And have many sticker in it. It is so cute!C360_2014-06-22-18-44-52-752  

Second, I received the postcards from Hong Kong and Russia. To my surprise, the person is from Hong Kong who is good at paint. His/Her painting is beautiful!



Third, I received the postcards from Thailand and U.S.A. The person said about religion problem of Thailand. This let me understead we are happiness in Taiwan.



Then, the postcards was send to me everyday! Haha! That let me happy so much. Bulgaria, U.S.A, France, Russia, and Finland. I like the best postcard that is the two pigs. It is so cute to me!



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Because the project, I can see many country culture and people. And when I can have a little happy from postcards! Finally, I totally sent fifteen postcards and received ten postcards!


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